About pool mechanics

Oceanpoint v0.3 (current version)

The various pools being introduced on Oceanpoint work in a similar way and have been deployed to function with a long-term time horizon in mind. Currently the rewards allocation is fixed at 500,000 BST / month and split into respective pools based on incentivation requirements.

Note that the underlying smart contracts have all been audited by Hacken.

See audit reports here

Rewards allocation and schedule

With v0.5, the monthly rewards allocation of 500,000 BST has been split as shown in the infographic below.

  • Governance pools — 25% @ 125,000 BST / month

    • main pool

    • marketplace pools

  • Asset pools — 25% @ 125,000 BST / month

    • Issuer BSPT

    • Community BSPT

  • Liquidity pools — 50% @ 250,000 BST / month

    • BST-ETH

Last updated