🟒Asset pool - Issuer

This feature is LIVE since v0.2

Current reward schedule

125,000 BST / month * Pool sBSPT supply

The second product introduces the ability for owners of real estate properties to stake their assets and earn crypto.

Oceanpoint incentivises real estate owners to tokenize their real estate properties through staking, enabling them to create a new passive income stream.

After tokenizing their real estate asset via Blocksquare's tokenization system, BSPT tokens are minted to the owner's wallet, which allows them to start staking on Oceanpoint. By default, 10,000 BSPT tokens are minted to the owner, which represents 10% of the property's total value.

Do you own real estate?

To submit your property, please fill out this form.

The more real estate value one tokenizes and stakes, the larger the share in the Asset pool, the larger the amount of BST one might earn from the rewards treasury.

By tokenizing and subsequently staking BSPT, the asset owner commits to a 6 months lock-up period through which tokens and earned rewards can't be withdrawn.

To additionally protect the BST community from supply inflation, earned rewards are vested for 24 months after withdrawal.

After six months, owners can access their rewards & have full control on the steps they take next:

  1. keep staking BSPT tokens,

  2. sell BSPT tokens to Oceanpoint (not yet available),

  3. sell BSPT tokens through the Oceanpoint marketplace (only eligible properties), or

  4. reverse the process of tokenization, no strings attached.

If the asset owner opts for the second or third choice, they will need to start paying the proportionate amount of revenues the asset is earning to either Oceanpoint or marketplace investors (paid in DAI), as per the corporate resolution signed at time of tokenization.

If the asset owner withdraws BSPT, Oceanpoint essentially does not have any claim over the economic rights of the real estate asset and the owner is free from any financial, legal obligations towards the protocol.

What is the reason for distributing staking rewards?

The BST tokens rewards mechanism is a way to reward property owners for helping us grow our community of token holders, while at the same time increasing the protocol’s Total Value Locked β€” the number one metric in DeFi.

What is the Asset pool's monthly rewards schedule?

Asset pool staking has become available with v0.2, where 250,000 BST or 50% of all monthly rewards go towards real estate owners staking in the Asset pool. With the release of v0.3, monthly rewards for the asset pool are set to drop to 125,000 BST or 25% of the total monthly rewards allocation.

How much could I make with my property?

Rewards auto-compound based on the user's pool share. What property owners can expect from staking their tokenized real estate asset is presented in the infographic below, but ultimately one's earning rate will be heavily influenced by the property valuation in comparison to the total value locked within the Asset pool.

The above is only a simulation and actual results might differ. Total rewards are subject to change depending on DAO governance rulings.

Monthly rewards per user vary depending on a user’s pool share. The larger the TVL, the lower the amount of BST a user might receive.

All rewards are paid out in BST and their USD value is subject to market conditions, however 1 BST will always be 1 BST.

Pool mechanics

To start staking a real estate asset, an owner must first tokenize it through Blocksquare's tokenization protocol.

Once the process is achieved, the real estate asset owner will be able to mint 10,000 BSPT (Blocksquare Property Tokens) and stake them on Oceanpoint based on the asset's valuation. In return, the protocol locks the BSPT tokens into the Asset pool for a min. period of 6 months.

After 6 months, the BSPT can be unlocked by the user together with all BST rewards.

Please note, that your BST rewards shall be vested for a period of 24 months to prevent flooding the market. This measure is in place to protect BST investors from circulating supply inflation.

Finders fee

Please note, there is a "finders fee" that is paid to the referrer (i.e. Certified Partner) of a particular property at time of withdrawal. The reward is pre-set to 10% of accumulated BST at construction.

At first, the "finders fee" can be updated by the Oceanpoint founding team, while at a later phase and according to the Decentralization plan, admin rights shall be moved to the DAO's governance token, sBST.

Last updated